- Initiate, carry out, execute, implement, aid and assist activities towards skill development in the management and entrepreneurship sector in India and meeting the entire value chain’s requirements of appropriately trained manpower in quantity and quality on a sustained and evolving basis.
- Establishment of a well-structured Labour Market Information System (LMIS) to assist the planning and delivery of training.
- Identification of skill needs across sectors/functions roles including the type of skills, reviewing international trends in sector skills development, range and depth of skills to facilitate Individuals and Employers.
- Development of a skill development plan and maintain skill inventory/ database.
- Determining skills/competency standards and qualifications across sectors/functions.
- Standardization of affiliation, accreditation and certification process.
- Plan and execute affiliation, accreditation, examination and certification to ensure consistency and acceptability of standards.
- Plan and execute Training of Trainers
- Plan and Execute Apprenticeship Schemes.
- Promotion of academies of excellence
- Facilitate and catalyze Management, Generic/Soft Skills, Employability, Entrepreneurship & Training and Assessment skill development initiatives.
- Development of a partnership with various National/International stakeholders.
- IPR management in the area.
- Any other activities related to the mandate of the Sector Skill Council.
- Undertake the task of educational and vocational skill upgrade in the sector.