Member, MEPSC
National President ISTDMr Atul Shah an all-India double gold medalist in ISTD’s Training and Development course, he has been awarded the Trainer Icon award by the Trainers Association. He holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree, Masters Degree in Human Resource Management & a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling. After an initial stint with Mukund Ltd, Mumbai and GSP he served in MPT, under the Ministry of Shipping, and headed the HRD cell. After taking his special VRS from the Govt service, he was the Director of IMTR-Institute of Management Training & Research for 10 years.
He is also the Founder & Chairman of GITS India. He has piloted over 3500 workshops and seminars attended by a range of Corporate & Govt bodies. He is also the Founder of the 4.59 am Club and of Global YaHa6.
Apart from this, he was also the Chairperson of ISTD Goa Chapter & Regional Vice President (RVP) -West Zone of ISTD (2022-24).