The Training of Master Trainers (ToMT) program aims to build the capacity of quality Master Trainers who will further benefit the ecosystem by creating a pool of Trainers. MEPSC conducts these ToMT programs on the platform skills i.e. on the job role of Master Trainer (MEP/Q2602).

Salient Features of the ToMT Program:

  • Certification on platform skills, recognized across skilling ecosystem, corporates and training institutes of India
  • Enhance facilitation skills, content structure, content mapping and evaluation of learners
  • Experience a blended learning program
  • Acquire embedded learning of conducting online sessions
  • Build a network with other professional trainers from diversified background

Who can Apply?

Any graduate who possesses a minimum of 5 years of Industry experience or is a certified Master Trainer on domain skills from the sponsoring SSC

Program Structure:

Session Delivery ModeClassroom ModeOnline Mode
Duration4 days (including assessment)5 days (including assessment)
Timings 8 hrs session every day3 hrs online session + self-paced learning at home every day

ToMT-ToMA Dual Certification Program:

Training of Master Trainers (ToMT) and Training of Master Assessors (ToMA) program is designed to certify an individual both as a Master Trainer and Master Assessor. The objective is to build more capable resources working in two job roles across the nation.

The program includes training on the Master Trainer QP (MEP/Q2602) and Lead Assessor QP (MEP/Q2702) and concludes with assessment and certification by MEPSC thereby certifying successful candidates on both the QPs.

This Program is conducted in online mode for 7 days (including assessment) and requires self-pace learning at home as well.

Who can Apply?

Any graduate who possesses a minimum of 5 years of Industry experience or is a certified Master Trainer or Master Assessor on domain skills with the sponsoring SSC

To view the schedule of the upcoming Training Programs, please visit our Training Calendar Page

For more information regarding these programs, please write to